(574) 234-1980 hello@neeserinsurance.com

New Year New Opportunities 

by | Jan 3, 2023 | Blog, financial planning, Lifestyle planning

With the New Year comes new opportunities.  We wanted to share with you something we are very excited about as we look forward to 2023. 

Anyone who has read our blogs knows – we teach and practice a proven strategy that gives you control of your financial future.  This strategy helps you build wealth, pay off debt, reduce the amount of taxes you pay, and create the retirement of your dreams without spending any more money! 

This unique strategy was discovered and taught, but the late Nelson R. Nash.  Nelson created a legacy when he wrote the book “Becoming Your Own Banker.”  Nelson’s wisdom has been studied and shared by literally thousands of people.  Pamela Yellen, a New York Times bestselling author, founder of Bank On Yourself, and internationally known speaker, harnessed this wisdom and became the crusader and advocate for all who have been disappointed by Wall Street.   In my studying, I kept hearing about Pamela and Bank On Yourself.  I read her books and subscribed to her weekly newsletter.  I found Bank On Yourself to be one of the most direct, current, and educational processes that I have come across.  I was so impressed with her approach that I decided to check out her organization further and see what it had to offer my clients and me.  Turns out there is a lot for all of us.  I applied to her advisor program and happily was accepted (only one out of every 20 advisors is). I have since completed in-depth training and testing and can now proudly say I am a Bank On Yourself Authorized Professional.  This designation gives me access to other top advisors, training, and research and allows me to reach and teach even more individuals, families, and businesses.  

What we do is different from what most insurance agents and financial advisors know or teach.  Many advisors are giving bad or flat-out wrong information about how these plans work because they just don’t know, don’t want you to know, or just are misinformed.   It is imperative to work with an advisor that has taken the time to learn, study and implement these specially designed plans so that you can reap the benefits. 

The Bank On Yourself program, like the Nelson Nash Infinite Banking Concept, is highly respected by the Insurance Community and works closely with the premier carriers that offer the ideal policies to maximize Bank On Yourself.  This is no different from what I have been doing all along with the Infinite Banking Concept.  It uses the same principles and strategies.  The difference is Bank on Yourself offers more tools; Pamela’s books are more current (even though Nelson’s books are timeless!), and there is a dedication to providing ongoing education, resources, newsletters, and reports to inform and educate.  

Nelson Nash and his groundbreaking book “Becoming Your Own Banker” will always be at the heart of what I do, and I am very proud and excited to add the Bank On Yourself program to expand on how I can help our clients. 

To learn more – Get Your FREE Safe Wealth-Building Guide AND Book Chapter Here.   

May the New Year bring you days filled with peace, joy, and prosperity. 

Please share on your social media and help us get the word out!

About Tom Neeser

When I read Nelson Nash’s Book “Becoming Your Own Banker,” it forever changed my life. Studying Nelson’s book, I learned the truth about how money really works and the financing capabilities of dividend-paying whole life insurance. As an Authorized IBC Practitioner, my job is to teach as many people as possible how to harness the power of Infinite Banking and take control of the banking function in their lives.

I’m licensed in multiple states and work with individuals, couples, families, and business owners across the country. I am happy to talk with you regardless of where you live and where you are in your journey.