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Understanding Whole Life Insurance Dividends

by | Sep 24, 2019 | financial planning, Life Insurance, Whole Life Insurance

Whole Life Insurance DividendsWhat are life insurance dividends and how do they work? What kinds of companies pay dividends? Are life insurance dividends taxable? What are your life insurance dividends options?

What are life insurance dividends?

Mutual Life Insurance companies share their profits with participating policyholders via a dividend. This dividend is declared annually, usually around the end of the calendar year.

What kind of life insurance pays dividends?

Dividend-paying life insurance is whole life insurance from a mutual company.

Mutual insurance companies are companies owned by the policyholders. In contrast, “stock” insurance companies are corporations owned by shareholders of company stocks.

Policies that pay whole life dividends are also known as “participating life insurance,” or a “participating policy contract.” That simply means that the policy owners “participate” in sharing in the profits of the insurance company.

Term life insurance, universal life insurance, and variable life insurance policies do not pay dividends.

How do whole life dividends from a life insurance company differ from other dividends?

The word “dividend” causes confusion because it is often used in reference to a public company paying a stock dividend. If you own stock in a public company that pays dividends, you might receive a quarterly check from the company. A stock company might also pay stock dividends, which come in the form of additional shares rather than cash. Dividends represent corporate earnings and are determined by a company’s board of directors.

Life insurance dividends also represent earnings. However, mutual life insurance companies, by law, must share ALL profits of the company with participating policy holders. Profits over and above monies set aside for legacy benefits and operating expenses are distributed back to policyholders in the form of dividends. In contrast, the objective of a stock insurance company is to make a profit for its shareholders or stockholders.

If dividends are paid and reinvested into the policy as paid-up additions, they become part of the guaranteed cash value and part of a new, higher floor that increases future gains—both guaranteed gains and dividend payouts. Cash value can never lose value and is guaranteed to grow by at least a minimum guarantee.

Compare this to a stock dividend. Most people re-invest their stock dividends. If the price of the stock goes down after that reinvestment, you have essentially “lost” your dividend. You must wait for the price of the stock to go back up to “recover” your dividend. You do have the option of taking dividends in cash in which case; you wouldn’t lose it.

What exactly does the declared whole life dividend interest rate mean?

Annual announcements of dividends are usually accompanied by the announcement of an interest rate, as well. This represents the dividends as a “gross” interest rate. The actual dividends distributed are reduced by the three areas of expense inside a whole life policy: the mortality cost, commissions, and the expenses of running the mutual company.

It is tempting, yet not necessarily helpful to compare “gross dividend rates” from one company to another. This gross rate does not have meaning to the individual policyholder. The only thing that has meaning is the net rate (after the three expenses listed above.)

For example, your mutual company may say its 2019 dividend is 5.9%. To figure out how much your cash value is growing this year or over a period of years, which is more meaningful, special financial calculators must be used. These might reveal that your cash value is growing this year at an average net rate of 3.9. In other words, by the time it reaches your pocket or policy, the gross dividend is reduced by around 2% of costs.

This discussion should include the difference between typical savings accounts and the guaranteed cash value of a life insurance policy. A savings account or CD grows each year by a specified interest rate. The guaranteed cash value of a policy grows every year by a guaranteed dollar figure, not by an interest rate.  Money growing by a dollar figure is more meaningful.

Of course, an interest rate can be extrapolated from the growth. Using calculators, we can interpolate the interest rate and see the guaranteed cash value has a gross rate of 4% and a net rate of about 2%. The dividend then adds to the guaranteed amount, increasing gains for a total of 5.9% gross and 3.9% net in the example mentioned above.

What are common whole life dividend options?

Purchase “Paid-Up Additions.” PUAs represent additional “prepaid” insurance which builds cash value, earns dividends, grows tax-deferred, and increases the death benefit. This is a way of reinvesting into the policy and is usually the most popular option.

Cash / Check: A policyholder may request that the insurer send a check for the dividend amount. In this way, a policy can be used to create an annual income for the policyholder. Dividends are paid annually on the policy anniversary date.

Premium Reductions: A policyholder may request that the dividend be put towards future premiums to offset the cost. Annual dividends are applied towards the premium on the policy anniversary with this option. With established policies, dividends can eliminate premium payments completely.

Policy Loan Reductions: Dividends can help pay off a policy loan, reducing and even eliminating the need for cash-out-of-pocket.

Accumulate at Interest: The annual dividend may remain with the insurer to earn interest. This functions like a savings account. The interest earned is taxable to the policy owner annually, and money can be withdrawn without affecting the life insurance portion of the policy. Money accumulated becomes payable in addition to the face amount of the whole life policy as a death benefit.

What option do we recommend? In most cases, we recommend purchasing paid-up additions during the early years of your policy, then taking the dividend in cash during the later years. This maximizes both policy growth and, eventual, income drawn from the policy. If you have outstanding policy loans or if you are having cash flow issues, applying dividends towards loans or premium can make the most sense.

Aren’t whole life dividends just a return of overpaid premium?

They are technically classified as a return of premium, but they don’t necessarily work that way in the real world. Dividends paid over time can exceed the total amount of premium paid—sometimes significantly! Therefore, it’s more accurate to say that dividends also represent the profits of the company. Dividends must be paid when companies are profitable—it’s one of the guarantees of a whole life insurance policy. Because life insurance companies are managed very conservatively, there is almost always a modest profit.

Are life insurance dividends taxable?

Fortunately for whole life policyholders, the IRS does define dividends as a return of excess premium and therefore not taxable. However, be aware that if you take dividends in cash, you can owe taxes on dividends paid over and above the amount of premiums paid. Dividends re-invested as Paid-Up Additions are not taxed.  In contract, cash dividends from public companies in the stock market are taxable.

Are whole life dividends guaranteed? If not, how reliable are they?

We love this question because the answer really creates confidence in the stability of the asset! No, whole life insurance dividends are not guaranteed. However, mutual companies have paid dividends every year for more than 150 years, even throughout:

  • The Civil War
  • World War I
  • The Influenza Epidemic
  • The Great Depression
  • World War II
  • The Savings and Loan Crisis
  • The Dot Com crash
  • The Subprime Mortgage Crisis and Great Recession.

We think that’s a pretty good track record!

How can I earn whole life insurance dividends?

Start a high cash value whole life policy! This type of policy builds cash value faster and earns larger dividends—than typical whole life insurance policies.  Give us a call today at Neeser Insurance & Financial Solutions @ 800-320-6406, or contact us at hello@neeserinsurance.com if you have questions or are ready to get started!


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About Tom Neeser

When I read Nelson Nash’s Book “Becoming Your Own Banker,” it forever changed my life. Studying Nelson’s book, I learned the truth about how money really works and the financing capabilities of dividend-paying whole life insurance. As an Authorized IBC Practitioner, my job is to teach as many people as possible how to harness the power of Infinite Banking and take control of the banking function in their lives.

I’m licensed in multiple states and work with individuals, couples, families, and business owners across the country. I am happy to talk with you regardless of where you live and where you are in your journey.