(574) 234-1980 hello@neeserinsurance.com

Whole Life Is Like a House – BUT Better!

by | Jul 20, 2021 | Whole Life Insurance

You ‘FINANCE’ everything you buy. You either pay interest to someone else, or you give up the interest you could have earned.”

-R. Nelson Nash, Becoming Your Own Banker
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

Have you ever heard of the Infinite Banking Concept?  It is known by other names too – such as Privatized Banking, Family Banking, Circle of Wealth, Bank on Yourself, etc. It’s a system to “self-finance” big-ticket items you need while continuing to wealth-building at the same time. Infinite Banking uses dividend-paying or participating whole life insurance, which is greatly misunderstood by many.

Today, we will illustrate how this strategy works using a common asset that everyone is familiar with – a house.

Understanding How Whole Life Policy Loans Can Accelerate Wealth-Building

We have been taught to pay attention to how much interest we are paying on debts, but what about interest not earned when we save our money in a bank and pay cash, rather than storing that money where it can grow? This is your opportunity cost, which is every bit as important to measure as the interest you’re paying (if not more so). We either “pay up or pass up” interest, and it is critical to have MORE MONEY working for you than less money, even if it creates temporary debts in the process.

Consider this example:

A house functions similarly, in some ways, to your cash value. If you own a home for 25, 30, or 40 years, its value will grow significantly over time.

Even at a modest 4.5% growth rate (a rate that reflects the growth of many whole life cash value accounts), the value of a home can more than triple in 25 years!

Here is a chart from the Truth Concepts Cash Flow calculator (a proprietary software created by Todd Langford), which shows the gain each year:

If you have a $300,000 home, and you borrow $200,000 against it, the home will still appreciate (or depreciate) according to the market. Your mortgage will not stop the home from appreciating into a $900k+ home, given enough time and the right market conditions.

Borrowing against your home lowers your usable EQUITY, but it does not affect the underlying asset’s VALUE. In other words, a loan against the property does not lower the home’s market value, but it will affect your ability to access the equity or further collateralize the asset.

Just like a home with a mortgage, a policy loan decreases your “equity,” but the overall asset value continues to grow, unaffected by any loans against it. As with real estate, you can borrow against your cash value without compromising the underlying investment value. Like a mortgage, the cash value account acts as collateral when you take a policy loan.

Borrowing Against vs. Withdrawing from Cash Value

A policy loan is like a simple, temporary “mortgage” against your cash value. On the other hand, withdrawing cash value is essentially selling or liquidating that portion of the asset. In real estate terms, withdrawal would be like sub-dividing your property and selling a portion of it. You no longer have that portion of the asset; instead, you have the cash.

Likewise, while you can purchase new premiums (or properties), you can’t “put cash back in” once withdrawn. (It’s just the rules of insurance.) Like a piece of physical property, you no longer have use of the part you have liquidated.

Real estate and cash value share an important characteristic:

Both keep growing in value even when they are borrowed against.

In real estate, it is not unusual for the value of a property to actually grow FASTER than the interest on the debt against it! Long-term homeowners often get back every penny they paid into their mortgage when a home sells. They have virtually lived in the home for free!

How is that possible? When every new home buyer signs their escrow papers, the scariest document is their “TIL,” or Truth in Lending disclosure. Their TIL may disclose that they will pay $518,013 over 30 years for the $240k mortgage on their $300,000 house with a 6% interest mortgage.  Add insurance and taxes, and you can add another hundred or two hundred thousand!

“Yikes!” thinks the buyer, “That’s a LOT of money!”

But 30 years later, even at a conservative 4.5% annual gain in value, this home they bought for $300k is now worth over $1.1 million. From 300k to 1.1 million!

This is not pie-in-the-sky; this is a phenomenon that repeats itself again and again and again.

Research the purchase histories of million-dollar homes that are 30+ years old, you’ll see that they almost all started below the $300,000 mark. And many people who have owned several homes over their lifetime will tell you they would be much wealthier now had they found a way to hang onto the homes they used to own rather than selling them!

However, there is risk and uncertainty with real estate, as well as taxes, insurance, maintenance, and other costs.

On the other hand, cash value is a low-maintenance asset that does not require work to maintain and is not at risk of losing value when the market gets moody. But just like real estate, you can borrow against it while the asset grows. With regular (or lump sum) payments, your policy loans will eventually disappear while your cash value continues to grow.

And here’s where it gets exciting:

Just as the example above with real estate, consider how the growth of your cash value may be greater than the cost of your loan.

What does this mean for you? Just like a house can be “free” after 30 years because the appreciation exceeded the costs, so in a whole life policy, the costs of car purchases or even college educations are eventually typically exceeded by the growth of the cash value over time.

It may sound “too good to be true,” like, with real estate, it’s simply the way it works, again and again, and again. In a properly set-up whole life policy (with the right paid-up additions rider to accelerate your cash value), it is typical to experience internal rates of return around 4.5%, depending on your health, age, and other factors.

(By the way, we do NOT recommend equity-indexed insurance products or ANY permanent insurance aside from whole life with a paid-up addition rider… equity-indexed insurance products are NOT safe to use in with this concept.)

While 4.5% may not sound like a “competitive rate” compared to typically-quoted investment returns (which are just projections, not promises), it blows away any other risk-free account with these additional benefits:

  • No risk of loss
  • grows tax-deferred
  • contractual guarantees
  • borrow against it at will
  • provides a tax-free death benefit

When you keep growing your account by paying additional premiums, your cash value becomes not only a safe haven to store cash but a dividend-producing asset that can grow faster than the interest on the loans you take against it!

By NOT withdrawing money when you need a car or a new roof, but by taking policy loans instead, your cash value acts like a home you keep for a decade or more. It keeps growing while you can leverage against it safely, securely, and easily. Best yet, you can “earn back” the interest you pay – and then some!

Additionally, the value of the underlying cash value asset eliminates risk typically associated with “borrowing” or “taking out a loan.” In cases where the policy owner, for some reason, is NOT able to pay off the loan out of their income, they can pay interest only or pay for it with the cash value that served as the loan’s collateral.  What is great about IBC is that you are the banker – you get to decide the terms, not have them dictated to you by a bank!

The key that makes Infinite Banking so powerful is this: borrowing against your own cash value asset keeps you SAVING and building wealth rather than saving cash temporarily in a bank account (education account, etc.) – again and again – only to spend it, then start from scratch again. If you focus only on eliminating or avoiding debt, you will actually slow down your wealth-building!

Robert Kiyosaki is known for emphasizing the strategy of buying income-producing assets. (We agree and have encouraged clients in some situations to leverage cash value to purchase cash-flowing assets, such as excellent rental properties.)

With the Infinite Banking Concept, the emphasis is on BUILDING a dividend-producing asset. The principles are the same; we are simply utilizing a very reliable, stable asset class that has proven itself reliable through every turn of the market.

Don’t just avoid debt and end up with empty pockets – build an asset you can use again and again!

Want to learn more?  Please get in touch with us at hello@neeserinsurance.com, visit our website at neeserinsurance.com or give us a call at 574-234-1980. 

We appreciate our loyal clients and hope that you will help us to continue to grow by sharing this article with your friends, family, and co-workers. 

© Prosperity Economics Movement

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About Tom Neeser

When I read Nelson Nash’s Book “Becoming Your Own Banker,” it forever changed my life. Studying Nelson’s book, I learned the truth about how money really works and the financing capabilities of dividend-paying whole life insurance. As an Authorized IBC Practitioner, my job is to teach as many people as possible how to harness the power of Infinite Banking and take control of the banking function in their lives.

I’m licensed in multiple states and work with individuals, couples, families, and business owners across the country. I am happy to talk with you regardless of where you live and where you are in your journey.